Absa Thiam

As a passionate and dedicated person I believe you should vote for me to represent the Enfield Youth Council because I truly believe in the power of youth voices, and know that we can make a big change.

I understand the challenges we face, and I am committed to making a real difference. I’ve worked closely with school and participated in many different opportunities, such as, “Use Your Voice” which was a Debating and spoken word workshop.

I also took part in the First Give Fundraising Competition in which I had to raise £1000 pounds (which I gave to the NYCC- Northside youth and community connections). These have helped me step out of my comfort zone and I hope to take this further. I have developed public speaking skills, confidence on and off the stage, and a chance to be myself I stand for giving the youth greater and safer opportunities to succeed.

If elected I would aim to:

● Increase access to extracurricular activities- ensure every young person has the opportunity to engage in sports clubs, volunteering, and the arts to help them develop valuable life skills
● Promote safer communities- provide positive, structured environments for the youth, reducing the risk of violence, crime and negative influences
● Invest in local initiatives -advocate and fundraise for increased funding and local efforts to create more accessible and inclusive I strongly believe these aims would make a positive impact on our youth and breaking the cycle of having “nowhere to go”

Vote for me, Absa Thiam and we will make a change-together.