Jamie Harris

Hi I’m Jamie Harris standing in for this summer's 2025 Enfield youth council election.
This is my manifesto and if you don’t know what a manifesto it is my plan if I was elected as an Enfield youth councillor..

Manifesto for Safety, Community Empowerment, Sports Investment, and Women’s Rights.

About the position of a Youth Counselor. Hi I’m Jamie Harris standing in for this summer’s 2025 Enfield youth council election.This is my manifesto and if you don’t know what a manifesto it is my plan if I was elected as an Enfield youth counselor. So how the Enfield Youth Council election works is that there are 40 people who can enter for election and the top 20 people with the most votes then becomes elected as a Enfield youth counselor.

I, Jamie am one of the many people who are running in this election and you, the people of Enfield than decided who to vote for. You only got one vote so choose carefully. The role in which the youth council plays is to ensure that young people’s voices are heard and then discuss with the council on what needs to be done around Enfield. I, Jamie, want to bring success to Enfield and I am going to convince you on why this summer you should vote for me in this election.I stand for safety, women’s rights and to live in a happy and healthy community.

Improving Safety: Every individual deserves to live in a safe environment. I want to prioritize stronger community policing, better mental health support, and restorative justice to reduce crime and ensure that everyone feels safe all of the time.

Funding Sports Teams: Sports really can bring people together to form skills such as teamwork, leadership and can even be just fun for people. I think it is essential to invest in sports teams so that young people can exercise and just have fun.

Supporting Women’s Rights: I very much want to make sure that every lady on our streets can feel safe and secure and to make sure that there are places for them to feel safe and to feel safe to talk to qualified people if they need to.

Together, we build a fairer, stronger community.

Thanks For Reading And Go Vote For Me 🙂