As to be a wanted and respected leader it all starts with making a promise and then further down the line completing that promise with actions that I fully intend to do and achieve to the highest of my ability.
I promise to allow, listen and understand every voice, as the key to building a space for every single young person to achieve is to allow their wants and needs to be heard I promise to create workshops and spaces where everyone has an opportunity to experience different work fields and job careers as one day we will be building a better tomorrow and experience is the teacher of all things.
I promise to be a leader who values everyone simply due to them being human and not leave anyone out because of their personality and religious and physical differences. I promise to continue to promote a community where bullying and youth violence is stopped and spaces where youth feel they are safe to come and express themselves if they are worried about anything I promise to be a leader that not only puts there 100 but 150 percent effort into everything I do as youth mayor I promise to commit to open communication, empower everyone’s talents into achievements as every person has gifted talents that deserve to be shown and celebrated I promise to support and invest in everyone while I still lead with transparency, honesty and integrity I have so much to add and say but it would be endless, but what sets me apart from every other candidate is how I articulate and push myself to act out my promises that are completely different from every other candidate here.
All my promises are both what I stand for and believe in and with these two strengths here, it pushes me to be the best person to stand for the Enfield youth council. As the world is progressively changing, I believe a leader is needed who can keep with change and adapt which I just not believe but know I can do. Having a leader who is diverse in their thinking and talking allows me to further amplify my will to build a better space for young people. Using my promises, young people are guaranteed a welcoming environment where everyone feels safe, accepted and genuinely enjoy the space around them. I hundred percent know that these are the qualities that everyone wants as a leader, and I know I am that right person.