Layla Jalal

I’m Layla Jalal, and currently running for the EYC. I believe we have the potential to become great influences and better our community.

However, there are factors standing in our way, like the issue of declining mental health and lack of young girls entering STEM. By overcoming this, Enfield will become a better community.

Within the two years, I hope to increase the acknowledgement of female figures in STEM, give girls the confidence to choose the path they want, and increase support for those with mental health issues. This would better the community as women currently make up only 30% of those in STEM fields, and increasing the number of girls going into science creates more diversity in workplaces, bringing forth more ideas and more ways of doing things, improving science as a whole. There’s no biological reason that makes males better at these things than females, but there’s a societal stigma which discourages girls from pursuing them. I’m not saying I’d increase it to 50% in two years, but I want to make a difference and present better opportunities for as many girls as possible.

Another goal is striving to improve services for those struggling with their mental health, giving them a safe space. If being elected helps even one person, I’m happy, but I hope to reach a wide part of the youth, encouraging them to work on themselves and seek help. Currently, 1 in 6 people aged 11-19 have mental health problems, helping them would also help their loved ones and society, as we’re the future.

Vote for me, I have the dedication and mindset needed. I’m compassionate and have experience in debate, meaning I consider everyone’s perspectives. As a young person, my best interests are your best interests. Vote for me, and you’re voting for yourself.