Enfield Care Leavers Hub

Enfield Leaving Care Team is committed to providing all its Care Leavers with a central space where you can just drop in to relax and get advice, guidance and support. It provides a welcoming space where you can have formal meetings with your Social Worker or Personal Advisor as well as take part in one to one sessions, various activities and workshops.

Enfield Care Leavers Hub aims to provide you with a wide range of additional support around housing, welfare benefits, health and wellbeing, Education, Employment or Training (EET) as well as helping you to access information and advice on different topics that may be of interest to you. The support in place is linked with the 6 goals we believe are key for you to lead successful lives.

These 6 goals are highlighted in our Local Offer.

The physical Hub is located at our offices at Thomas Hardy House (39 London Road, EN2 6DS) and is open between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.

Some activities will be available, bookable by the Youth Enfield Positive Activities Portal only for Care Leavers and some open to all young people residing in Enfield. Click here to REGISTER and you will be able to explore the different activities that you can get involved in.

March 2025

The HUB offers a wide range of additional support for YOU linked with the 6 GOALS we believe are key for you to lead SUCCESSFUL LIVES.

 Maxeen Messam is our Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer and Manager of the Hub. If you have any questions have a word with her

0208 132 2464 / 07356 185102

E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.uk

See our brand new time table below and click here to see our latest flyer for whats going on in the hub at the moment!



You can drop in or book an appointment directly with Manny or via your SW/PA.Engage in Education, Training or Employment opportunitiesLooking to start a specific course, apprenticeship or looking for work?

Come and meet Emmanuel Farrugia, Many, our EET Coordinator.
Manny, our EET Coordinator.



Megui Stavrinos Enfield Special Educational Needs Service


Please ask your SW/PA to book an appointment for you.AM: Be in control of your finances

We can help to put support in place to ensure you have the skills needed to achieve a regular income, manage your own money well and make the right financial decisions.
Support can be provided by different professionals depending on your query.

Support could be around:
  • Benefits
  • Financial support available as a Care Leaver
  • Council Tax Support
  • Support with budgeting and money management
ontact : Maxeen Messam Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer T: 0208 132 2464 M: 07356 185102 E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.uk

Monthly 1:00pm-5:00pm
Please ask your SW/PA to book an appointment for you.PM: Access information and/or participate in society.

This is about supporting YOU to know what YOU are entitled to as a care leaver as well as being able to use the right channels to make a complaint or suggestions for improvement. We want to empower YOU to play an active part in your community, allowing YOUR VOICE to be heard!
  • Book an appointment with an independent Advocate from Barnardo’s
  • Grab a copy of our Local Offer
  • Go into our Care Leavers website and leave us your feedback.
  • Have a look online and book yourself into any of the many POSITIVE activities available through the Youth Enfield Service
  • Get mentoring support
  • Meet Enfield Conversations Coordinator
  • Discuss any concerns you may have in regard to your immigration status with a CORAM Children’s Legal centre advisor.
  • Join our Care Leavers Forum.
Lucy Newsome Independent Advocate from Barnardo’s E: lucy.newsome@barnardos.org.uk T: 020 8768 5058 M:07517499106

Talisha Anderson-Wright Senior Youth Development Manager Youth Development Service T: 0208 132 2783 M: 07572 151 362 https://youthenfield.taptub.co.uk/

Ben Feder Care Leavers Immigration and Asylum LeadE: Ben.Feder@enfield.gov.uk

Weekly 10:00am-5:00pm
Please ask your SW/PA to book an appointment for you.Gain independent living skills and access and sustain long term accommodation

We want to make sure that before you can live independently you have the skills necessary to do so.
  • If you need a copy of our independence check list grab a copy from the hub!
  • Take part in our Care Leavers Tenancy Nomination Panel
  • (monthly 14:00/17:00).
  • Access floating support
  • Attend one of the workshops on tenancy management that there are in place throughout the year.
  • Come and let’s prepare a meal together!
  • You can make use of our washing machine should you need it.
Zebba Malik and Hazel Pyne Chairs at the Care Leavers Tenancy Nomination Panel. E: Zebba.Malik@enfield.gov.uk E: Hazel.Pyne@enfield.gov.uk

Riverside Engage Enfield is a housing related floating support service for people aged 18 or over and living in Enfield.

Weekly 10:00am-5:00pm Thursday Bi-Weekly Meetings LGBTQ+ Forum
Contact : Maxeen Messam Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer T: 02081322464 M: 07356185102 E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.ukStay Healthy

This goal is about promoting your health
You can access
  • 1 to 1 confidential substance misuse service if you need support around your own or another person’s drug or alcohol (substance) use.
  • Take part in any of the “multi-sports/get active” activities in place via Enfield Youth Service.
  • Health advice including sexual health and free condoms
COMPASS- Sort it! T: 020 8360 9102 to speak directly to a member of their friendly team.

Talisha Anderson-Wright Senior Youth Development Manager Youth Development Service T: 0208 132 2783 M: 07572 151 362 https://youthenfield.taptub.co.uk/

Pauline McElduff Specialist Nurse for Looked After Children


11:00-1:00pm Date to be confirmed

Please ask your SW/PA to book an appointment for you or contact: Parent Engagement officer: Zoe.hajiantoni@enfield.gov.uk Phone: 0208132 3120 Mobile: 07790 357620Young Parents Group Consultation

Monthly drop-in sessions focus on a range of topics of interest to young Parents, involving guest speakers who can offer specialist information or advice and provide a signposting route for further support
You can access 1 to 1 Support increase knowledge and confidence, be part of a supported social networkContact : Maxeen Messam Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer T: 02081322464 M: 07356185102 E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.uk Leyla Hafezi Psychotherapist / Counsellor HEART Child & Adolescent Health Service Team Maxeen Messam Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer T: 02081322464 M: 07815942566 E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.uk Azra Klempic Senior Advisory teacher & SENDCo

Quarterly Fun days

Dates to be confirmed
Please contact Maxeen, our Hub Manager or ask your SW/PA to book an appointment for you. Build up long lasting positive and supportive relationships A good support network can help you acquire better coping skills and lead happier lives. In this section you will find more on KRATOS (Children in Care Council); Enfield Care Leavers Hub; Enfield Youth Service; Young Parents Support and other useful resources. Come and be part of one of our support groups: Monthly meetings

  • Introduction to HUB
  • LGBTQ+
  • UASCs- Welcome to the UK sessions
  • ENFIELD CARE LEAVERS FORUM (monthly 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Maxeen Messam Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer T: 02081322464 M: 07815942566 E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.uk

Azra Klempic Senior Advisory teacher & SENDCo


4.30pm to 6.30pm
Please contact Maxeen, our Hub Manager or ask your SW/PA to JoinMonthly Care Leavers Forum Meeting

Friday 23rd February 2024

5.00pm – 7.00pm Bi Weekly Meetings
The Care Leavers Forum provides a platform for individuals to have a say about the things that really matter to them. The aim is to give input on the services and support being offered to you as a care leaver to help make improvements.Maxeen Messam Care Leavers Engagement and Participation officer T: 02081322464 M: 07815942566 E: Maxeen.messam@enfield.gov.uk

3.00pm to 5.00pm
Telephone CounsellingYoung People can call for 30mins chat if they wish to have a longer session or one off 1 hour session virtually or in person that can be arrangedconsultation with our in-house 18+ counsellorLeyla Hafezi Psychotherapist / Counsellor HEART Child & Adolescent Health Service Team