Enfield Care Leavers Strategy 2024-28


In Enfield, our vision is for every young person leaving care to thrive in adulthood.

We want to equip every care leaver with the skills, knowledge and opportunities to thrive in adulthood. This includes access to the right information, guidance and support, as they prepare to leave care and throughout their journey and transition to living independently.

Enfield’s Leaving Care Strategy sets out Enfield’s vision and priorities for Care Leavers. It includes an overview of existing support and the areas we are also working hard to strengthen.

We are committed to supporting our Care Leavers to achieve their aspirations and the best possible outcomes for their futures. In doing this, we recognise the importance of working together with our young people, their families, and friends; as well as with other council services and partners such as housing, health and education. Together, we can guide and support Care Leavers to plan their futures and to succeed.

Cllr Abdul Abdullahi
Cabinet Member for Children’s Services


Enfield’s Corporate Parenting Board 

The Corporate Parenting Board is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Enfield Looked After Children Strategy 2024-28 and the Enfield Care Leaver Strategy.

The Board meets at least four times a year and is supported by Officers from the Council and our wider partnership. The Corporate Parenting Board is responsible for ensuring that the Council fulfils its role as corporate parent and that members, partner agencies, officers, and the Children in Care Council and Enfield Care Leavers Forum work together to provide, review and improve the effectiveness of services for looked after children and Care Leavers. It is the Board’s responsibility to hold officers to account for the outcomes of looked after children and Care Leavers with the views and voice of the child the very heart of their decisions.