Care Leavers Pledge


Enfield’s Care Leavers Pledge was introduced in 2021. Our pledge was co-produced with Care Leavers, and it continues to be shaped by their views, ideas and experiences. Young people and young adults with care experience in Enfield can contribute to the pledge at the annual Care Leavers Celebration Event and through the Care Leavers Forum.

We host a celebration event for Care Leavers annually within the National Care Leavers Week. Care Leavers who attend the event can share their views on what they feel would most improve the experiences of children in care and care experienced young people. Their views are at the heart of our pledge.

  • Promote more love in the care system including displays of safe, positive physical affection.
  • Ensure that care experienced young people are regarded and treated as individuals worthy of respect and to promote that respect wherever we can, regardless of any discriminatory factor e.g., disability.
  • Ensure that relationships are seen as central to all our policies and procedures to support children in care and care experienced young people.
  • Ensure clear steps are taken to improve stability and continuity in the lived experiences of people in care and care experienced young people.
  • Emphasise the importance of working with our partners and young people to raise awareness of need and improve support for the mental health and well-being of children in care and care experienced people in our local area.
  • Recognise in our daily work that the impact of care experience does not end at 18 or 21 or even We will engage with you, seek your views, and review our practice to remove age restrictions on support wherever we can.
  • Protect, promote and where necessary rebuild family and community connections and help those young people for whom we are responsible to understand their personal history.
  • Make sure that young people in our care are routinely engaged, consulted, and have a real say in their own lives prior to decisions being made (whenever possible) and provide them with opportunities for growth e., sporting activities, careers support.
  • Ensure that young people in our care are properly and fully informed of their rights and responsibilities and offer advocacy to ensure they receive them.
  • Listen to the voice of children in care and care experienced people of all ages and always consult them about changes to services and support.