Priority 3

Promote education, training and employment opportunities that empower Care Leavers to discover and achieve their aspirations


What is in place?
  • The STAAH (Striving to Achieve and Aim Higher) Panel was established to support Care Leavers into employment education and training (EET) opportunities.
  • We continue to secure apprenticeships within the Council for our Care Leavers.
  • The Virtual School has strengthened the offer to Care Leavers with increased focus on Year 11 transition pathways and maintaining higher quality Personal Education Plans (PEPs) for all year 11 students.
  • The Virtual School is helping to arrange work experience opportunities for young people in year 11 who were unable to access these in year 10.
  • Additional English language support for our UASC young people is in place including an Intensive English Language holiday school, which is delivered by the Virtual School.
  • The Virtual School is also part of a pan-London Local Authorities group to promote best practice when working with our UASC young people.
  • We have strong partnerships with partner agencies including Catch 22, Bright Light and the Department of Work and Pensions to increase the support for Care Leavers to access employment, education and training opportunities.
  • A full time EET specialist has been appointed to increase the number of young people engaged in meaningful opportunities.


Looking ahead we will:
  • Continue to work together to ensure Care Leavers with Education, Health and Care Plans
    (EHCPs), get the right support in the right place and at the right time.
  • Develop a process that enables guaranteed interviews for Care Leavers who meet the minimum requirements for advertised roles at the Council. We will report on the number of applications received from Care Leavers who are shortlisted for interview to the Director of HR and OD, Head of HR Operations and the Director of Children and Family Services