Priority 6

Support our Care Leavers to develop the right skills to manage their own money and make the right financial decisions 


What is in place?
  • Pathway Planning check list provides a step-bystep toolkit towards all aspects of independent living.
  • Ongoing partnerships with housing providers and support services to create opportunities for young people to understand the expectations of them as tenants including but not exclusively maintaining rent payments.
  • Council Tax Support is provided to single care leavers on a minimum income.
  • Care Leavers report being clear about their financial entitlements.
  • Enfield’s Local Offer for Care Leavers and The Staying Put Policy provides clear expectations for young people in terms of claiming Housing Benefit and contributions to living costs in Staying Put and Semi-independent placements post 18.


Looking ahead we will:
  • Support Care Leavers to access their full benefit entitlements.
  • Deliver money management courses to support Care Leavers to manage their own finances.