The Current Picture

Research and inspection reports tell us that nationally, the quality of support that Care Leavers receive, remains patchy and that their journey through the first decade of adult life can be challenging, disrupted and unstable. This can lead to social isolation, poor mental health, long term unemployment or involvement in crime.

As reported in the cross-departmental strategy for young people leaving care published in October 2013.

The experiences and difficulties faced by Care Leavers on their journey and transition to independence was highlighted by Ofsted in their 2022 report ‘Ready or not’. Some of the reports key findings show that:

  • Many Care Leavers felt ‘alone’ or ‘isolated’ when they left care and did not know where to get help with their mental health or emotional well-being.
  • Some Care Leavers could not trust or rely on the professionals helping them to prepare for leaving care.
  • Care Leavers were not involved enough in plans about their future.
  • Many Care Leavers had no control over where they lived when they left care, and many felt unsafe.
  • Many Care Leavers felt unprepared to manage money. Some were not aware of what bills they needed to pay, or how to budget.
  • Some Care Leavers said they did not find out about their rights until   they were already in serious difficulties.

Government departments work closely to develop coherent approaches to how we support Care Leavers. ‘Keep on Caring’ published by the government in July 2016 is a strategy that looks at how to improve services, support, and advice for Care Leavers. It makes clear recommendations for local and national government as well as for wider sectors of society. Enfield is committed towards its responsibilities towards Care Leavers as a Corporate Parent.