Governance Framework and Action Plan

The success of this strategy is reliant on good partnership working between our stakeholders  and partners. These include:

  • Young People (Care Leavers)
  • Members of the Care Leavers Forum
  • KRATOS – Enfield’s Children in Care Council
  • Enfield Care Leavers Team
  • Enfield Council as Corporate Parent including Children’s Services, Education and Housing.
  • Enfield Corporate Parenting Board
  • Elected Members
  • Health colleagues
  • External Partners and other support Agencies
  • Regional and Central Government


Led by

The Corporate Parenting Board is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership
throughout the borough to deliver our vision and principles, and priorities.

The Board are also responsible for developing and monitoring our Leaving Care Strategy Action Plan. The associated action plan will be kept up-todate and will be reviewed annually throughout the lifecycle of the strategy.

On an annual basis the strategy priorities can be reviewed and refreshed as required, to respond to local, regional or national updates. Our young people will also have the opportunity through the Care Leavers Forum and the annual Care Leavers Celebration Event to share their views on if any of our priorities need to change.

Any updates to the strategy are subject to agreement by the Corporate Parenting Board and
the Council’s Executive Management Team. These will be considered alongside our Looked After Children Strategy to ensure our priorities are aligned and working well together.

Supported by

The Corporate Parenting Board is part of a wider network of boards and groups which are responsible for overseeing the successful implementation of the action plan.

This includes partnerships which bring together representatives from our community, statutory
partners and the Voluntary and Community Sector. Delivered by Individual actions are the responsibility of the named partner within the workforce. This could include the Care Leavers Forum, the Local Authority, NHS, Voluntary and Community sector, schools and education settings, and commissioned services.

These partners report on progress through their relevant internal governance structures which will feedback to the Corporate Parenting Board.