Priority 1 

Support and promote all aspects of our Care Leavers’ health and wellbeing


What is in place? 
  • A strong partnership with Enfield HEART (Health and Education Access to Resources Team) to best assess, monitor and follow up our Care Leavers ’ health needs. 
  • Priority pathways for referrals to Universal Services. 
  • Systems and pathways have been developed to screen our UASC (Unaccompanied Asylum- Seeking Children) arrivals for Tuberculosis and blood borne viruses. This Pathway is being developed alongside the Royal Free NHS Trust and Middlesex University Hospital. 
  • A Health Passport is in place to provide young people leaving care with their health records and health related information. 
  • Enfield HEART-CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) has a dedicated clinical therapeutic service available to Care Leavers over 18.
  • Joint working with the Designated Nurse, the young person and their carers/key
    workers, is ongoing to improve the take up of recommended immunisations. This includes our Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and young people
Looking ahead we will:

• Improve therapeutic support to Care Leavers 18-25 who do not meet the criteria for Adult
Services by engaging with support services and promoting the needs of Care Leavers.

• Empower Care Leavers to grow their ‘Health Literacy’ to make healthy choices. (1)



(1) The NHS defines health literacy as “…a person’s ability to understand and use information to make decisions about their health.”