Priority 5

Empower our Care Leavers to play an active part in their community, allowing their voices to be heard and to influence service design and delivery.


What is in place?
  • A refreshed Enfield Care Leavers Pledge that reflects the experiences and views of care
    experienced young people and young adults.
  • A refreshed and updated Local Offer for Care Leavers.
  • An established Care Leavers Celebration Event to mark Annual Care Leavers Week.
  • The Care Leavers Hub providing a wide range of information about additional support including housing, welfare benefits, health and wellbeing, education and employment.
  • KRATOS – Children in Care Council and the Care Leavers Forum are working with Enfield Council to improve the experiences of young people in care.
  • An improved offer and service for our UASC young people through strengthening links with other Local Authorities and external specialist services (i.e. Coram’s Children Legal Centre) as well as participating in information forums including London Asylum Seekers consortium (LASC) or North London UASC partnership.
  • Implementation of a specialist Immigration worker to maximize the support on offer for
    young people without settled immigration status in the UK.
  • Involvement of Enfield Care Leavers in influencing national policies which affect them. Enfield Care Leavers are supported to attend meetings of the Pan London Children in Care Council and take a proactive part in service development.
  • Triple Planning for children and Care Leavers without a settled immigration status in the UK including clear information on the process and level of support that they will be able to access from the Service depending on their age, circumstances, and immigration status.
Looking ahead we will:
  • Improve mechanisms and ways to best gathering feedback from Care Leavers to best
    influence the Service they receive.
  • Continue to ensure our Care Leavers are aware of their entitlements and can use the right  channels to make a complaint or suggestions for improvement.
  • Build on opportunities locally for Care Leavers to actively participate in local decision making.